1. Low-voltage circuit breakers are mainly used in low-voltage circuits to protect electrical equipment from short circuits, or when the voltage is abnormal or the current is too high, the circuit breaker can avoid some dangerous accidents. 2. The...
Electromagnetic relays refer to relays made using the principle of electromagnetic induction. When the relay is energized, the coil of the relay generates electromagnetism, which closes the normally open contacts of the relay to work. what is a...
1. The magnetic latching relay is only a kind of relay and has no direct relationship with the self-interlocking circuit, which can organize the self-interlocking circuit. Second, the interlocking and self-locking of the relay is the need to reali...
1. Different in nature 1. The nature of the automotive relay: an automatic control device whose output will change in leaps and bounds when the input (electricity, magnetism, sound, light, heat) reaches a certain value. 2. The nature of the ...
Relay (English name: relay) is an electrical control device, which is an electrical appliance that causes the controlled quantity to undergo a predetermined step change in the electrical output circuit when the change of the input quantity (excita...
multipoint control, Pulse relays are used to control resistive load circuits (such as incandescent lamps, low pressure halogen lamps, convection heaters) and inductive load circuits (such as fluorescent tubes, discharge lamps) The c...
The basic function of the automotive relay is to use a small current to control the operation of a large current, as an "automatic switch". It plays the role of automatic adjustment, safety protection, switching circuit and switch in the circuit. ...
Most DC contactors are high-voltage contactors, adding resistance can ensure the safety of power devices. For example, in new energy electric vehicles or high-voltage packs, due to excessive instantaneous current, a series of pre-charging resistor...